3 dimensional letters

Signs play a crucial role in determining the visibility/sophistication/professionalism of the business. Nowadays,    3D logos are getting popularity worldwide because of their strong impact & amazing designs. 3 dimensional letters & logos made from different materials like, aluminum, stainless steel, copper, bronze and more; have the potential to strengthen and improve image and popularity of your business. A few places that strongly reflect positive results of 3 dimensional letters and logos are storefronts, building lobby signs and more.

Leading signs company in San Antonio

As a leading signs production company, in San Antonio, we choose this platform to answer frequently asked questions about 3 dimensional logos by marketing divisions & business owners.

What are 3 Dimensional Letters & Logos?

Unlike traditional flat-panel signs – which involves placing a print or vinyl letters onto a flat substrate (e.g. di-bond, aluminum, MDO) – 3-dimensional letters are individually formed or cut, so that the background surface is exposed.  And, as the name implies, there is depth (usually anywhere from 1/8th of an inch to a few inches thick).  The combination of the individual letters/logos and depth help create what are probably the most attractive, professional sign options available.

Can we customize or shape a logo as required?

Yes, it is possible to custom make your logo.

Are there size limitations?

Not really. We’ve done letters as large as 4 FEET tall, to individually cut letters less than half an inch!

How much do they cost?

Cost is a function of material and size.  Given how every job is different prices vary, but most of our jobs run between a few hundred dollars to a couple thousand (and this includes permits, installation, etc.).  If this is something you’re interested in, contact us for a quick, free and no-obligation quote.

What about their longevity – how long will they last?

This may be the best part of all!  Almost all options come with a lifetime warranty.

How are they installed?

Most installations are done using studs – or small screws/rods that are attached to the rear of the letters.  Install templates allow our installers to pre-drill small holes that the studs of the letters then slide into.  A silicone adhesive is then applied to secure.  Pad installations – which avoids surface penetrations – is another option, but this is slightly less secure, and not available for every size/material.

What is the turnaround time to manufacture/install?

While we normally turn our flat-panel signage in 1-3 days, 3-dimensional letters/logos take a bit longer to fabricate: usually about 5-10 business days.

Hopefully we have successfully given answers to the primary questions that make an impact on the final decision of employing 3 dimensional letters and logos as indoor and outdoor advertising tool. Let us know if you have more questions related to 3D logos and we’ll be happy to help.